Tips For Staying Safe
- Avoid using the ATM at night.
- Always park your vehicle in a well-lighted area.
- Never pick up hitchhikers.
- Never give personal information to anyone over the Internet.
- Never shop alone – try to always go with a companion.
- Always make sure you tell someone where you are going and when you are to return.
- Never open your car door without looking in the back seat first.
- Avoid unfamiliar neighborhoods. If you must travel alone to these neighborhoods, keep your vehicle doors locked.
- Always keep your doors locked at home and in your vehicle.
- Never leave your purse, money and keys in your car in plain view.
- Never accept an open beverage container from anyone.
- Do not associate with any member of a gang. Do not join a gang.
- Always check your surroundings – be aware of where you are and who and what else is around you.
- Carry mace and a whistle with you.
- If you think you are getting ready to be kidnapped, scream for help or find other ways to be heard like blowing your car horn.
- If you know someone is planning to harm someone else, report him or her immediately.
- Take the initiative to make your school or community safer.
Youth Violence Quick Facts Sheet
- In 2002, more than 877,700 young people ages 10-24 where injured from violent act. Approximately 1 in 13 required hospitalization.
- Homicide is the second leading cause of death among young people ages 10-24.
- In 2001, 5486 young people ages 10-24 were murdered – an average of 15 each day (Centers for Disease Control 2004).
- In 2001, 79% of homicide victims ages 10-24 were killed with firearms (CDC 2004).
- Between 1994 and 1999, 172 students ages 5-18 were killed on or near school grounds or at school-related activities.
- In a nationwide survey, 17% of students reported carrying a weapon on one or more days in the 30 days preceding the survey.
- Data from a study of 8th and 9th graders showed 25% had been victims of nonsexual dating violence and 8% had been victims of sexual dating violence.