Letter from the Willis Family

Letter from the Willis Family

Dear Friends,

It is with overflowing hearts that we say thank you to all members of the Wilson community who gave of their time, talents and so much more to honor our beloved daughter in the Brittany Willis Memorial Soccer Scholarship Showcase. What started out as a small group of people organizing an event to honor Brittany’s love of soccer developed into a celebration of the life she lived.

We extend a special thanks to all members of The Wilson Responds Team for organizing this event. All of these people will be forever remembered as a group who labored many hours to produce such a wonderful expression of love not only to Brittany’s memory but also to the many friends and family who loved her dearly. They could not have done such a wonderful job without the support of the many local businesses that did not hesitate to help when were called upon.

We will always love and remember our precious Brittany and this community that showed and continues to demonstrate so much care and concern for our family. Thank you each and every one for all you did to make this event such a success. God bless you all.

We are hoping that sportsmanship, teamwork, care and concern for others which were the central themes of the tournament will live on every day in all of the citizens of our fine community. This indeed would be Brittany’s wish.

Wishing all of you and yours grace, peace and love, we remain


Randy, Judy and Clay Willis

J. Burt Gillette Athletic Complex
3238 Corbett Ave Wilson, NC

If you or your school would like to make a contribution and you are in need of a W9 form from The Brittany, please click the button below and request that one be sent to you.

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